BPL 9 Ball Game Rules
9 Ball is a rotation pool game in which the 1-9 balls are played in numerical order. When the 9 ball is pocketed legally, the game is won.
The Lag– this action is performed in order to determine which player begins the set with the break and which player racks.
The Rack- the balls must be racked in a diamond formation with the one ball at the apex of the diamond and the nine ball in the center. All the balls should be frozen to one another. The breaking player may contest the quality of the rack and ask for a rerack.
The Break- the break is the first shot of each game. The cue ball is place behind the head string and struck into the racked numbered balls. The cue ball must make first contact with the one ball or it is not considered a legal break. After first contact, a minimum of 4 balls must make contact with a rail or a ball must be pocketed in order to be considered a legal break. If the breaker fails to complete a legal break the balls will be racked again and the break will be attempted by the same player once again. However, if the breaker commits a foul on the break the opposing player will be rewarded the break and the breaker will become the racked. A foul on the break can occur with a pocket scratch of the cue ball or if a player impedes the cue ball from completing its path. A miscue on the break is not considered a foul and the player can make another attempt at the break. If a player double hits the cue ball while attempting the break it will be considered an illegal break, but not a foul since it was committed prior to the rack being struck and the game beginning. In this instance the balls will be racked and the breaker will remain the same.
After the Break- once a legal break has been executed and all of the balls have come to rest, 3 things can occur. Either the breaker pocketed a ball, the breaker failed to pocket a ball, or the breaker committed a foul on the cue ball.
- If the breaker pockets a ball on the break and the cue ball remains on the table,
- If the player fails to pocket a numbered ball on the break, it will become the opposing players turn to shoot at the lowest remaining numbered ball.
- If the breaker commits a pocket scratch or flies the cue ball off the table, the opposing player will be rewarded a ball in hand and begin their turn regardless of any other balls pocketed during the break.
If the 9 ball is pocketed during the break, it will not result in a win, but be positioned closest to the spot as possible and the breaker will continue their turn.
The Push Shot- the push shot can be executed as the first shot after the break regardless of the shooter. This shot is a free strike of the cue ball in which the shooter is not required to make a legal hit on the object ball, but can play the cue ball anywhere on the table. If a player elects to take this shot, the opposing player has the option to make an attempt at the object ball or pass the shot back to the original shooter. This shot is strategically used when the object ball is not favorably positioned for the shooter.
Spotting Balls- balls that require a spot will be placed on the foot spot where the balls are racked. If a ball is occupying that space, the ball will be placed on a straight line behind the interfering ball, closest to the foot spot.
- if the 9 ball is pocketed on the break, it is spotted.
- if the 9 ball is pocketed without the shot being called, it is spotted and the incoming shooter has the option to give the turn back or take it themselves. (if another numbered ball is pocketed with it, the nine ball will be spotted and the shooter will continue their turn)
- if a numbered ball leaves the table, it is NOT spotted, but will remain down with the pocketed balls and the incoming player will receive ball in hand.
Calling the 9– the 9 ball must be called in order to signify a winning shot from the shooter. If the 9 ball is called and a legal hit is made, another ball besides the 9 may be pocketed and the shooter will continue their turn.
8 Ball Rules
Except when clearly contradicted by these additional rules, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards apply.
- OBJECT OF THE GAME. Eight Ball is a game played with 15 numbered balls, in which one player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 solid colors, while the other player has 9 thru 15 stripes. Each ball must be called by the player before shooting into the designated pocket..
- CALL SHOT. In Call Shot, obvious balls and pockets do not have to be indicated. It is the opponent’s right to ask which ball and pocket if he is unsure of the shot. The opponent has the responsibility of asking the player to call their shot if they are uncertain of the attempt. The opposing player must request this, respectfully and before the player is down on their shot. Any balls pocketed on a foul remain pocketed, regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or the opponent.
The opening break is not a called shot. Any player performing a break shot in 8 Ball may continue to shoot his next shot so long as he has legally pocketed any object ball on the break.
- RACKING THE BALLS. The balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the 8 ball in the center of the triangle, the first ball of the rack on the foot spot, a stripe ball in one corner of the rack and a solid ball in the other corner.
- RACK YOUR OWN. Rack your own break. See rule 3 for legal rack.
- JUMP AND MASSE SHOT FOUL. While cue ball fouls only is the rule of play when a match is not presided over by a referee, a player should be aware that it will be considered a cue ball foul if during an attempt to jump, curve or masse the cue ball over or around an impending numbered ball that is not a legal object ball, the impeding ball moves, regardless of whether it was moved by a hand, cue stick follow through or bridge.
- LEGAL BREAK SHOT. Defined. To execute a legal break, the breaker with the cue ball behind the head string, must either 1, pocket a ball, or 2, drive at least four numbered balls to the rail. If he fails to make a legal break, it is a foul, and the player gets 1 opportunity to execute a legal break shot. If the player fails to execute a legal break the second time, the break will go to the opponent.
** (NOTE BCA RULES AS FOLLOWS: the incoming player has the option of 1 accepting the table in position and shooting, or 2, having the balls reracked and having the option of shooting the opening break himself or allowing the offending player to rebreak.)
- SCRATCH ON A LEGAL BREAK. If a player scratches on a legal break shot, 1, all balls pocketed remain pocketed, exception, the 8 ball: see rule 9, 2, it is a foul, 3 the table is open. PLEASE NOTE, Incoming player has cue ball in hand and can place the ball anywhere and shoot in any direction.
- OBJECT BALLS JUMPED OFF THE TABLE ON THE BREAK. If a player jumps an object ball off the table on the break shot, it is a foul and the incoming player has the option of 1, accepting the table in position and shooting, or 2, taking cue ball in hand behind the head string and shooting.
- 8 BALL POCKETED ON THE BREAK. If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a rerack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8 ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a rerack or having the 8 ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand anywhere on the table.
- OPEN TABLE. Defined. The table is open when the choice of groups stripes or solids, has not yet been determined. When the table is open, it is legal to hit a solid first to make a stripe or vice-versa. Note: The table is always open immediately after the break shot. When the table is open it is legal to hit any solid or stripe or the 8-ball first in the process of pocketing the called stripe or solid. However, when the table is open and the 8 ball is the first ball contacted, no stripe or solid may be scored in favor of the shooter. The shooter loses his turn and any balls pocketed remain pocketed, and the incoming player addresses the balls with the table still open. On an open table, all illegally pocketed balls remain pocketed.
Legal Shot- a shot is considered legal when the player strikes the cue ball first with the tip of the pool cue and makes first contact with the object ball. Once contact is made, a numbered ball or the cue ball must contact a rail or a numbered ball must be pocketed.
Direct path foul– If a numbered ball is in direct path of your cue tip and the cue ball, the ball may not be contacted during the final stroke with hand nor cue. Direct path will be defined as a ball eclipsing the cue ball in relation to the cue tip on the players stroke, and the result will be a ball in hand foul. If it is contacted by the players hand pre-stroke but does not contact the cue ball it may be simply put back without penalty. If the shot is eclipsing but not “obvious”, the opposing player has the responsibility to acknowledge the direct path potential. “Obvious” will be defined by a shooter jacking up or elevating their stick in order to avoid the numbered ball during their stroke.
However, if the numbered ball is not in direct path of the cue tip to the cue ball and is contacted on prestroke or follow through it will simply be to the discretion of the opposing player whether to put the contacted ball back or leave it in its new location and the shooting order will not change.
If an illegally contacted ball is re-positioned and makes contact with the cue ball or the object ball it will also result in a foul. If a ball is contacted illegally BUT is not a direct path foul, the shooter must allow the illegally hit ball to come to rest and let the opposing player decide to move it back or leave it. Preemptively grabbing an illegally hit ball will result in a ball in hand foul.
Combination Shot- a player can shoot a combination shot as long as the object ball is the first ball contacted by the cue ball. This results in pocketing a non object ball legally.
Jump Shot- a legal jump shot is executed when the cue ball is struck on a downward angle and elevates over another ball without touching any other balls, making first contact with the object ball. While cue ball fouls only is the rule of play when a match is not presided over by a referee, a player should be aware that it will be considered a cue ball foul if during an attempt to jump, curve or masse the cue ball over or around an impending numbered ball that is not a legal object ball, the impeding ball moves, regardless of whether it was moved by a hand, cue stick follow through or bridge.
Throw Shot- this shot occurs when the cue ball and object ball are frozen. When frozen, you can legally shoot through the cue ball without penalty. However, you cannot drag your stroke, and double hit the cue ball.
45 degree angle rule- if the cue ball and object ball are within a pool chalk’s width apart the shooter must aim at a 45 degree angle, or more, away from the object ball in order to be considered a legal hit.
Balls Frozen to the Rail- if the object ball is frozen to the rail, either the cue ball must hit a rail, the object ball must hit an additional rail, another ball must contact a rail, or a ball must be pocketed. It is the opponents responsibility to acknowledge the frozen ball.
Hanging Ball Rule- If a player hangs a ball in the pocket, and either 5 seconds elapse or the shooter begins to walk away from the table, and the ball drops in said pocket; the ball remains down and the incoming player has choice at the next shot.
Recycling Players- Teams may recycle 1 player per match. In order for a team to recycle a player, the opposing team must have an eligible player remaining that falls in the allotted cap space (2375). If more than one option is available then it is the opposing teams choice of shooter. The recycled player doesn’t have to be the last match of the night. Teams may only recycle one match per night, and anything beyond that will result in a forfeit.
Handicaps- BPL team handicap is 2375 Fargo points through a 5 shooter lineup. If a team is over cap per LMS they can use the Fargo App ratings that are more current to check for acceptable 2375 overall point allotment. The players will default to LMS ranks for individual player matches but can exceed total team cap if they fall under said cap in the official Fargo rank app. (ex. team cap is 2376 per LMS but a player is ranked a point less on the Fargo app they can qualify for the 2375 team cap)
Time outs- All players are eligible for 1 timeout per rack. Timeouts are to be conducted in 90 seconds or less. By the 90 second mark the shooter needs to be down on the ball. The opposing player may respectfully give a warning as long as the player is not down on their shot. You may have multiple coaches approach the table with the shooter.
PLAYOFFS- a 40 second shot clock will be administered for play during playoff competition.
Forfeits and Make Ups– If a team is short handed they have the option to make up a match between the span after the previous match and prior to the next match. For instance, if you have prior knowledge that you can not field a team for the week upcoming, you can schedule a match on your own time to count for the week in question, or shoot a makeup match before the following weeks match begins. The opposing team must be notified 24 hours before the match time. In the result of a forfeit, the winning team will receive 30 points and the forfeiting team will receive 0 points. Individual player forfeits will be scored as 8-0 (with the exception of playoff matches, in which a forfeit will be scored 10-0). Both teams are responsible for full payment of weekly dues, regardless of forfeits. Teams will not be eligible for playoffs or wildcard drawings if they are not paid in full.
Bye Weeks: Teams will receive no points if all teams have equal BYE’s and 3 points if they are the exception.
Qualifications and Deadlines- Players must have 4 matches or more played for the session to qualify for the playoffs for established players and 5 matches for players new to the league. Adding and dropping players can be done as long as they can still get qualified matches played. It is up to league discretion to decide if a player may be added later than week 8. League dues must be paid in full by week 2 of the session. Weekly dues must be paid in full at the duration of each match, if they are not paid IN FULL, the team will lose their bonus points for that match and each match until it is paid.
Bonus Points and Dues:
Teams- Teams will receive 1 point upon full weekly payments and completed paperwork. Weekly dues are the responsibility of the TEAM and not the individual shooter.